Friday, May 25, 2007

Last Day of Stay at Nortons

Today marks Mom's final day using the respit care there at Nortons. Thanks to all who visited. When I spoke with her a couple times a day I would ask if she was feeling bored, and she would reply that she had so much entertainment in the form of folks stopping by, NO TIME TO BE BORED! This REALLY made the time pass for her. So, thanks.

As I have mentioned, Mom's overall energy and "Janet-ness" seemed to have improved since the radiation. For a solid week and a half of so, she was on a roll. The last couple days, she has noticed a bit of a set back again. She is having the trouble getting motivated to get up and take a walk or stay awake for long periods. But all of this could change today - of course. We are learning (as always with life) to take one day at a time, appreciating as many moments we can of her feeling like her "good old self."

Heather, a dear friend from childhood, visited last night to help write out old memories. Mom has a book with questions designed to prompt responses about her life... from specific memories to words of wisdom. Since it is becoming near impossible for Mom to write long-handed, Heather agreed to be her scribe! Thanks, Heather... hope yall had fun.

Also, I forgot a couple days ago to include Donna Farris on the list of those who visited. She stopped by both Tues and Wed.

Lastly, I wanted to let you know that Dad is feeling more refreshed as a result of a few-day break. He is getting the opportunity to play golf today with Norman Stivers. And, in general, spent his week with good harmony between getting stuff done and putzing around with no pressures. He has been working his tail off and deserved it!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Really enjoyed spending time with you Janet-but, we ARE NOT FINISHED and I will be back.
love you-Heather